My name is Jt Clough and I train dogs, write, run, go to the beach, go to the mountains, have finished 9 Ironmans, prone paddleboard, bike, hang out with my dog, train dogs, train people to train dogs, and practice doing life well played.
I have creatively worked for myself through coaching others most of my life. Dogs are a reflection of who we are inside, emotionally. This insight gives me great benefit in what I write about, practice and teach.
Being an athlete all of my life and have been coached by some of the best mentors in my sport gave me the motivation to mentor others to achieve success and ultimately develop a lifestyle of health, fitness and balance. Fitness and health have been a part of my life since… well, pretty much forever.
My dogs are active. Most dogs want to be active. My purpose in writing about dogs and their habits, behavior and training is to help people find an outlet for their dog to be the most loyal, fit, well behaved partner you’ll ever have…. and to find the fun within yourself while doing it. #dolifewellplayed
Why Should You Want to Hear What I Have to Say?

I have been self employed my whole life… yep over 30 years now!! I’ve done a few different things, all with what I consider to be great success. From owning an advertising agency to dog training to my lifelong endeavor of fitness and health, the last few years all of these things have come together in comments from those I train with, coach, teach or mentor: I’ve made a difference in their lives.
Now that is inspirational!
You’re on my list to catch up with, JT!
Of course I remember!!!
Send me e-mail- I’m just ramping up on the follow through twitter, etc…
We’re bringing a race to San Diego…and I need YOU.
Great blog. I see you hold the same spirit, regarding dogs, that I do.
I am rather new at this venture. I have had my service up and running 🙂 for about
7 months now. I would love to talk with you about your program. Austin is a runners
paradise and there are a gazillion, or maybe a half of a gazillion, dogs in our wonderful town.
How can we hook up. I would like to know more about your ideas and program. It would be a perfect fit for my business and Austin.
Gerry (Gary)
This is fantastic! I am so happy to have finally found someone who has put into words and action what motivated me to come up with my business: a fit dog is a fit owner. I consider my dog to be my best fitness buddy – rain or shine, hot or cold, JoJo gets me going. When people tell me that they’ve never seen such a well behaved dog, I tell them it’s because he’s happy. Sadly, I meet far too many dog owners who think driving their dog to the beach for a ten minute “pee and poop” is enough. Or worse, who believe that because they have a yard, they don’t need to walk the dog at all. I am thrilled with your site, the information, and motivation!
I was saying “yes!” to myself as I read your profile….we’re so on the same page. I’d love to work out something with you, perhaps a post exchange. I like the fact that we could give our readers a different take on the same types of topics–activity oriented.
I just posted your “20 minute” workout on my FB page. Not a very technical person, I now want to find how to connect it to my Walk Me Wear business FB page.
JoJo and I start most days (unless feet of snow or storm) with a three mile walk/run or bike ride with a stop at the beach for some stretching and games. It keeps me healthy and does the same for him. There’s a nice “shout out” to Walk Me Wear on the most recent Long Island Pet Place e-letter. ( The organizer, Nancy Hassel, is another great promoter of: get out there and get fit with your furry friend. A post exchange would be great – from opposite coasts.